Secretariat for
Forestry Issues
We put forestry at the top of the agenda
Skoglig omvärldsanalys
Tankesmedjan för internationella skogsfrågor arbetar med information och analys av frågor som är av internationell karaktär och som potentiellt kan utgöra möjligheter eller utmaningar för den nordiska skogssektorn.
Den rådgivande gruppen
En rådgivande grupp säkrar verksamhetens fortsatta tyngd och trovärdighet både i Norden och internationellt. Initialt består gruppen av ett tiotal personer som är seniora, fristående experter med avsevärd internationell erfarenhet och högt anseende.

IUFRO World Congress 2024 – Heritage and Next Steps
The heritage of the 26th IUFRO World Congress, held in Stockholm in June 2024, was revisited during the...
CBD COP16: Path to forest biodiversity conservation
New Collaborative Partnership on Forests publication illustrates properly managing forests is key to...
State of the World’s Forests 2024 report launched
Forests face increasing climate-related stress amid growing demand for their products, FAO report warns...
Gender Milestone – First Female President Elected at IUFRO
Professor Daniela Kleinschmit of the University of Freiburg has been elected as the new president of...
The Stockholm Congress Statement is Now Official
The Stockholm Congress Statement: Forests and Society towards 2050 The XXVI IUFRO World Congress calls...
Will There Be Enough Wood in the Future?
Will there be enough wood for everyone´s needs in the future? “I’m an optimist, so I have to say...
Host Award Winners Announced
The IUFRO WORLD CONGRESS HOST AWARD honours three outstanding scientists from the host countries who have...