
Secretariat for
­Forestry Issues

We put forestry at the top of the agenda

Skoglig omvärldsanalys

Tankesmedjan för internationella skogsfrågor arbetar med information och analys av frågor som är av internationell karaktär och som potentiellt kan utgöra möjligheter eller utmaningar för den nordiska skogssektorn.

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Den rådgivande gruppen

En rådgivande grupp säkrar verksamhetens fortsatta tyngd och trovärdighet både i Norden och internationellt. Initialt består gruppen av ett tiotal personer som är seniora, fristående experter med avsevärd internationell erfarenhet och högt anseende.

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Uncover the potential for 2050

25 jan 2024

At the Round Table discussion on 16th of January, Professor Sten B. Nilsson delivered a compelling...

Five reasons why trees are a solution to the climate crisis

22 dec 2023

From carbon sequestration to storm surge protection, trees play a pivotal role every step of the way....

Production Gap Report 2023

29 nov 2023

Governments, in aggregate, still plan to produce more than double the amount of fossil fuels in 2030 than...

Record High Interest in the IUFRO World Congress 2024

29 sep 2023

With over 5000 scientific abstracts submitted the 26th IUFRO World Congress is the most anticipated...

Common Cross-Sectoral Narrative Necessary

11 jul 2023

What do representatives from the Nordic countries, Swedish research, business, authorities, and NGOs say...

Forests Reduce Health Risks, New Global Report Confirms

18 apr 2023

Existing evidence strongly supports a wide range of physical, mental, social and spiritual health...

Inspire for the Future – the Role of Forests

8 mar 2023

Key messages for policy and decision makers about the role of forests in ensuring sustainable consumption...

Dialogue About Forests in Future Societal Development

10 feb 2023

The current development regarding the use of forests calls for a global dialogue platform on forest...