Empowering Community Based Forest and Tree User and Producer Groups

7 feb 2012

Empowering Community Based Forest and Tree User and Producer Groups – An Outlook study of...

Living Forests Report Chapter 3: "Forests & Climate"

30 dec 2011

Forests and climate are intrinsically linked: forest loss and degradation is both a cause and an effect...

Living Forests Report Chapter 2: "Forests & Energy"

30 dec 2011

WWF aspires to a future where humanity’s global footprint stays within the Earth’s ecological limits and...

Living Forests Report Chapter 1: "Forests for a Living Planet"

30 dec 2011

The Living Forests Report is the centrepiece of WWF’s Living Forests Campaign. The campaign does not...

The global forest land-use change from 1990 to 2005

5 dec 2011

Enligt den globala fjärranalysundersökningen var skogsarealen i världen 3,69 miljarder hektar 2005,...

Climate Change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

2 nov 2011

There is growing evidence that climate change and variability is impacting on forests and forest...

Genomlysning av Tankesmedjan för Internationella Skogsfrågor

31 okt 2011

Målet med genomlysningen är dels att utgöra underlag för tankesmedjans fortsatta arbetsstrategi dels att...

African-Swedish collaboration programme on Sustainable Forest Management

31 okt 2011

Final report on the planning phase of the project This report contains the outcomes of the planning phase...

Norrköpingsprotokollet för REDD+

25 okt 2011

Dessa rekommendationer är baserade på resultatet av en workshop som hölls i Norrköping 21 mars 2011....


7 okt 2011

This report aims to provide potential REDD+ donors with an analysis of a number of factors to take into...

ETFRN NEWS 52: Chainsaw milling: supplier to local markets

18 apr 2011

International agreements regarding timber and carbon trading, such as the European Union’s Action Plan on...

Forests and water – Unasylva vol 58

22 mar 2011

This issue appraises the state of knowledge of forest and water interactions and related policy issues.
