Half-time ahead of COP17

2 aug 2011

The world’s climate change negotiators have gathered again in Bonn for a new negotiating session

The meeting was a working meeting and the purpose was to implement that which the world’s countries agreed on in Cancun, Mexico, in December last year.

Much work remains to be done

The discussions were constructive, even if no actual decisions were made. It is now half-time ahead of COP17 in Durban, South Africa, in December and much work remains to be done in the areas that Sweden and the EU prioritise ahead of Durban; a stronger and clearer commitment to achieve the two degree target, a sound and transparent reporting and the increased use of market mechanisms to limit emissions.

In forestry discussions are moving forward

Pleasingly, forestry is one of the areas in which discussions are moving forward, and which include REDD+, mechanisms, forestry issues, adaptation and technology, but no specific decisions have been made here either. One of the toughest issues to resolve is that of a legally binding framework to reduce emissions. The issue of funding for capacity building and other efforts in developing countries is also a troublesome one.

The Arctic Council

Sweden now also holds the chairmanship of the Arctic Council and this places a sharp focus on the negative sides of climate change; melting ice and increased instability.

From 12 May 2011 Sweden is chairing the Arctic Council. In its chairmanship programme, Sweden intends to focus on several issues such as prevention of oil emissions, climate change, resilience, biodiversity and environmental protection. Concerning the peoples in the Arctic, Sweden intends to listen to the views of the Arctic indigenous peoples, focus on languages and food safety, among others. Sweden aims to strengthen both SDWG (Sustainable Development Working Group), develop a strategic communications plan for the Arctic Council and initiate discussions with the business community on economic development.

Nilla Thomson, departementssekreterare, Miljödepartementet

Photo: https://unfccc.int/meetings/sb34/.items/6060.php