African Forest Forum (AFF) and FORNESSA supports the Nordic IUFRO World Congress bid

18 maj 2017

SLU are proud to present Letters of support from the African Forest Forum (AFF) and the Forestry Research Network for Sub-Saharan Africa (FORNESSA), having unique and independent roles in speaking on behalf of the re­gional research communities in Africa.

The African Forest Forum

The African Forest Forum is an association of individuals with a commitment to the sustainable management, wise use and conservation of Africa’s forest and tree resources for the socio-economic well-being of its peoples and for the stability and improvement of its environment.


The Forestry Research Network for Sub-Saharan Africa is a non-profit, non-governmental scientific organisation open to forestry and forest-related organisations and individuals. It embodies three sub-regional networks; the Association of the Forestry Research Institutions of Eastern Africa (AFREA) which has 10 member countries, the Forest Research Network of thé Conférence de responsables de Recherché Agronomique Africains (CORAF) which has 20 member countries and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) which represents research institutions in the 14 SADC states.


Collaboration between Africa and the Nordic countries

In view of the long and fruitful collaboration between Africa and the Nordic countries in forestry research and education, AFF and FORNESSA express their support for the Congress Organizing Committee in regards to expected outcomes applicable to Africa of the IUFRO World Congress 2024.

SIDA supports AFF

Sweden through the Swedish Agency for Development Cooperation (SIDA) had over the years supported AFF and FORNESSA members and institutions in three main areas – capacity building, including institutional capacity and support for innovations. A large number of FORNESSA Scientists have acquired PhD from Sweden, and published journals on collaborative research projects with Swedish counterparts at SLU.

Sub-session on Nordic – African collaborations

In recent times a number of FORNESSA members have received sponsorships to participate in conferences and meetings using SIDA funds channelled through the African Forest Forum (AFF). They look forward to further enhance their engagement with the forest science community in Sweden and plan to use the IUFRO World Congress platform to jointly organise a sub-session on Nordic – African forest research collaboration which would include post-congress tours to Finland, Norway and Denmark, if the Swedish bid is successful.


Congress Organising Committee

AFF and FORNESSA stand ready to support the Congress Organising Committee with their views if Sweden is selected to host the 2024 IUFRO Congress. Thus, the already strong Organizing Committee for the Nordic bid has gained a powerful reinforcement.



Author: Dr. Fredrik Ingemarson, Coordinator IUFRO 2024,


Picture: Godwin Kowero