Lisa Sennerby Forsse
Adj. Professor – expert on plantation forestry, capacity building and environmental aspects of different land uses
Curriculum vitae:
- Advisory group of the think tank for International Forestry Issues, Stockholm (2015 to date)
- Vice-Chancellor of SLU, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2006-2015).
- Secretary General of the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (Formas) (2001-2006).
- Director of the Department for Natural Resources at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
- Director of Research at the Swedish Forestry Research Institute (SkogForsk).
- Professor (adj) at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (1996-2002)
Prizes and awards
- Honorary doctor at UBC, University of British Columbia, Canada
- Honorary doctor at Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- The Royal Gold Medal from the King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf for Outstanding Achievements in Agricultural Sciences
- The Golden Twig, The Swedish Forestry Association
- Royal Society of Science
- Royal Society of Arts and Sciences
- Swedish Royal Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (KSLA)’
Selection of international scholarly and professional activities
- Member of ”Selection and Board member of ZEF (Zenter fur Entwicklungsforschung), Universtiy of Bonn, Germany
- Board member of NordForsk, the Research Council for the Nordic Council of Ministers (NMR)
- Board member of the European Forest Institute, EFI
- Board member of the Norwegian Institute for Forestry and Landscape planning, University of Enviroment and Life Sciences, UMB, Norway
- Member of the Science Council for the CGIAR (Consultative Group of International Agricultural Research)
- Swedish representative and member of Scientific Committée for Agricultural Research (SCAR) in Directorate General of Research (DG Research), European Commission (EU)
- Vice chair of the Expert Advisory Group for ”Sustainable Development and Global Change”: the 6th Framework Research Programme, DG Research, EU
- Member of The European Science Foundation, (ESF)
- Board member of (IIASA) Vienna, Austria
- Chairperson for the Nordic Panel for the Development of the ”Nordic Research Area” (NRA): Nordic Council of Ministers (NMR)
- Chairperson of the Nordic Forest Research Co-operation Committé (SNS): The Nordic Council for Ministers (Nordiska ministerrådet)
- Member of the Executive Board of IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organization), Vienna, Austria
In total about 100 publications, about one third are articles published in refeered journals in plant physiology, forestry and environment related high quality journals. The others are scientific book chapters,(including 5 as editor) proceedings from conferences, reports and information articles and reports.