Russia, Portugal and the Commission visit Sweden
A seminar about the European forest policy game
The Forest europe process to develop a legally binding agreement, which started just over three years ago and culminated in a ministerial mandate to start negotiations on a pan-european Forest convention this year. The starting points are different for northern and southern Europe.
Jan Heino, the chair of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Legally Binding Agreement on Forests in Europe will be participating at the seminar at KSLA. A Russian delegation, Ms Graça Rato from Portugal and DG Agriculture will present their views on the development.
Several forest policy initiatives moves forward
Several other forest policy initiatives have been quietly working their way through the EU machinery of government. Most notably, the EU Green Paper on the Protection of Forests and Forest Information has spawned a new process – a review of the eu Forest strategy, where Green Paper submissions on forest protection and production issues will be considered. The forest information dimension of the Green Paper is now in the hands of a working group to determine the next step.
Playing the policy game
Ongoing analysis will be presented and shed some light on the interests behind each of these policy processes. After the seminar, participants should better understand the policy game in the light of the multitude of competing interests in forest policy.
The driving forces and the future processes
Åke Barklund, General Secretary and Managing Director, KSLA