SIFI:s 6th postletter – theme land acquisition

28 dec 2011

In addition Minister Erlandssons visit to Canada, lessons from Vietnam and the climate meeting in Durban

Land acquisition is not new

The phenomenon of acquiring large pieces of land is not new. Though in its modern form, it is known as “land grabs”, an emotive term which reflects the concern the issue has raised; or “farmland investment” for more informed audiences.

The world’s population has reached 7 billion

The United Nations chose 31 October 2011 as the symbolic date for when the world’s population would reach 7 billion. By 2050 the population will reach 9 billion resulting in demand for food growing by 70%. Against this backdrop KSLA organised two related seminars during the autumn of 2011 on the need for food, fibre and fuel, a joint undertaking by all sections at the academy.

Challenges and solutions

Land acquisition is also the theme of the current postletter. Several distinguished international names and Swedes with broad experience highlight the challenges and solutions.

The climate meeting in Durban

This postletter also presents Minister Erlandssons visit to Canada, lessons learned from Vietnam, summarizes the climate meeting in Durban and ends up by depicting the European forest policy development.

Content of the sixth postletter

WWF’s living forest reportFood, fibre and fuel food consumption

The key for assessing biofuels                            Africa – land in abundance?

The future wood supply                                       Soil requirements

The 47th session of the ITTO                             Bai Bang

The Minister visits Canada                                 Durban agreement

Forest day 5                                                           The European policy game

LBA negotiations                                                  Calendar 2012

Winter activities

Photo Forest Day 5: Lennart Ackzell.