Stockholm applies for the IUFRO World Congress 2024

20 okt 2016

The World Congress, attracts 3 – 5000 participants from all over the world, including representatives from governments, NGO’s and industry.

The next World Congress to Europe!

The most recent IUFRO World Congresses were held in Brisbane, Australia, Seoul, South Korea and Salt Lake City, U.S.A. In 2019 the congress city will be Curitiba, Brazil. The next host should then be European!

The country host organisation

An extensive application process takes place every 5th year. The country host organisation coordinating the bid is the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU.

A national working group

The government support shows the need for a higher international Swedish profile, in accordance with the vision of the national forest program. A strong dialogue takes place with scientists and stakeholders along the process. A national Swedish working group for IUFRO supports the work.

A regional bid covering the Nordic and Baltic countries

Sweden are inviting stakeholders from the Nordic and Baltic neighbouring countries to participate during the application process. Post excursions to the Nordic and Baltic countries will make an important contribution to the congress program. All together this includes a variety of landscapes, forest management systems, industries and stakeholders.

A message from the Vice President of IUFRO

Professor Björn Hånell, SLU, is the Vice President of IUFRO.

In this film the Vice President presents the aim and scope of the IUFRO World Congress.


The IUFRO vision

To serve the needs for all forest researchers and decision makers








Coordinator of the Swedish bid: Dr. Fredrik Ingemarson