The global need for food, fibre and fuel

25 jun 2012

The overall question is how to manage land and water to meet the demands

With an expected world population of 9 billion people in 2050, the global need for Food, Fibre and Fuel has become a matter of high political concern. Beyond 2030 the production of “the three F’s” is expected to compete for limited land and water resources.

Increase productivity

The response to this is largely to increase productivity on land already under cultivation and to expand cultivated areas – with ecological, economic and social consequences
as well as greenhouse gas emissions as a result. The overall question is how to manage land and water to meet the demands while at the same time protecting the natural
ecosystems that sustain life on the planet.

Cross-sectoral policies  and capacity building

Cross-sectoral policies, efficient use of existing resources and capacity building are some of the necessary strategies to do this, but the
question of how to translate strategies into action remains to be answered.

SIFI coordinated the project

Some of the world’s foremost experts in the various fields concerning food, fibre and fuel discussed this topic from a land use perspective at two seminars arranged by the
Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry in 2011. The Secretariat for International Forestry Issues (SIFI) coordinated the seminars and the report.

Recent articles and reports of relevance

This publication serves as a valuable summary of the presentations and comments made during the seminars. A list of recent articles and reports of relevance to the subject of matter is included.