The link between forests and water needs greater recognition
FAO and IUFRO discussed actions on the sustainable management of forests in relation to water
Forests play a vital role in the hydrological cycle and in reducing water-related risks. Greater research is therefore needed to integrate policy into decision-making processes so that forest and water interactions are fully considered.
Recommendations and commitments on forests and water
The website of the International Institute for Sustainable Development reports on a Forest Europe workshop which discussed recommendations and commitments on forests and water in a report published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO).
There are considerable “challenges associated with maximizing forest ecosystem services without threatening water resources, especially in light of projected climate change,” says the article.
The Warsaw Resolution 2 on Forests and Water
Participants at the workshop discussed the Warsaw Resolution 2 on ’Forests and Water’ which commits signatory countries to actions on the sustainable management of forests in relation to water, the coordination of policies on forests and water, enhanced links between forests, water and climate change, and the assessment and consideration of the economic value of water-related forest services.
The workshop, held in Kunming, China, was organized by FAO, the World Agroforestry Centre and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO).
Read the full story: Forest Europe Reports on Forest and Water Meeting
The article was published in Agroforestry post and submitted by Kate Langford on March 31, 2014
Photo: John Foxx