European Forest Negotiations continue in Bonn – INC 2

12 sep 2012

More than 140 participants representing 39 signatory states and the European Union 

The Intergovernmental Negotiation Committee for a legally binding agreement on forests in Europe started its second session on Monday, 3 September in Bonn. The German Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection is hosting the one week session. More than 140 participants representing 39 signatory states and the European Union, one observer country (Japan), and 19 observer organizations engaged in discussions on the first draft of the agreement.

The Committee will advance the text

The Committee Chair, Jan Heino pointed out that the most intense period of preparing the agreement now started. In presenting the Bureau’s draft negotiating text he emphasized that “it is a draft for negotiations, not a negotiated draft”. The Committee is undertaking a first reading of the text and will proceed with detailed consideration of the content. Enhancing sustainable forest management, commitments, compliance mechanisms and options for bringing the agreement under the UN umbrella are examples of issues that will receive much attention. During the week the Committee will advance the text by concluding on the formulation of as many paragraphs as possible. Further guidance for elaborating the text where agreement will not be reached at this session will also be given.

The proposal to the Ministers by Mid 2013

Based on the outcome of this session the work on a legally binding agreement on forests in Europe will continue till 30 June 2013 when the INC is expected to present its proposal to the Ministers responsible for forests in Europe.

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