The International Land Coalition (ILC) is recruiting a new Director

6 maj 2014

For the Secretariat of the ILC, to be based in Rome

Purpose of the position

The Director of the ILC Secretariat is responsible for providing leadership to the CC in establishing the multi-year strategic framework and institutional policies and to manage the operations, programmes, and institutional relationships involved in achieving the mission of the ILC. The Director of the ILC Secretariat has major representational responsibilities and networking roles with senior policy makers at national, regional, and international levels. The Director of the ILC Secretariat reports directly to the CC.

The incumbent should have a demonstrated record in managing diverse and often conflicting views given the multi-stakeholder nature of the ILC and the political sensitivity of the issues involved. The incumbent will have strong skills in team building, promoting dialogue among diverse constituencies and facilitating consensus. He/she will bring practical experience in working at the interface of civil-society, intergovernmental and governmental organisations.

Duration of assignment

1 year fixed-term

Effective date

1 January 2015

Organisational context

The International Land Coalition (ILC) is a global alliance of 150 civil society and intergovernmental organizations working together to promote secure and equitable access to and control over land for poor women and men through advocacy, dialogue, knowledge sharing and capacity building. Intergovernmental organisations are comprised of United Nations and International Financing Institutions as well as of CGIAR centres working on land and natural governance issues. Civil society members comprise national, regional, and global organizations of farmers, producers, women, indigenous peoples, agricultural workers, fishers, the landless, pastoralists, forest users, and other associations and social movements of rural peoples, including those that are community-based. They also include professional associations, national and regional academic and think tank institutions as well as some of the world’s major non-state organisations advocating for improved natural resources governance and social justice.

ILC members share the common vision that secure and equitable access to and control over land reduces poverty and contributes to identity, dignity, and inclusion. The main governing bodies of the ILC are the Assembly of Members (AoM) and the Coalition Council (CC). The Assembly of Members, which meets once every two years, is the supreme governing body. It is responsible for establishing the overall strategies and policies of the ILC. The CC, elected by the AoM, is composed of 14 members (8 civil society organisations and 6 intergovernmental organisations). It acts as the Executive Board of the Coalition. Meeting twice a year, the responsibilities of the CC involve, among others, the approval of the Coalition¿s annual programme of work and budget.

The Secretariat of the ILC is hosted by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), one of the ILC members, with headquarters in Rome, Italy. The Secretariat, headed by a Director, is responsible for the execution of the programme of work and budget. It reports to the CC. The Secretariat is organised into three clusters: (a) Network Coordination and Country-level Land Monitoring; (b) Global Policy and Technical Support; (c) Corporate Administrative and Planning Support. The ILC Director assumes direct supervision of coordinators of clusters and ensures overall coherence of the work of the Secretariat.

More information: httpss://
