The IUFRO World Congress 2019

20 feb 2013

The Swedish bid was selected for further consideration

In total, eight bids for the IUFRO World Congress 2019 were received by the deadline. The IUFRO Management Committee (MC) has carefully evaluated all bids.

The Swedish bid was selected for further consideration

The Swedish bid submitted by SLU has been selected for further consideration together with a Tri-national bid submitted by Germany and a bid from Brazil.

Site-Visit for IUFRO World Congress 2019

Representatives of the IUFRO Management Committee and the IUFRO Head Quarter will visit the proposed Congress site the 27th of March 2013. The purpose is to (i) meet with representatives from organizations and Professional Congress Organizer (PCO) mentioned in the organizational plan; (ii) to assess specific facts as presented in the bidding documents and (iii) to discuss remaining questions.

The meeting shall be limited to representatives of the organizations directly involved in hosting the IUFRO World Congress (mainly IUFRO member organizations, other supporting (scientific) organizations and PCO). It is not foreseen that representatives of state or other governmental authorities or sponsors take part in the meeting.

Fredrik Ingemarson, Chairman of the Swedish National Group of IUFRO Members