The Stockholm Congress Statement is Now Official

28 jun 2024

The Stockholm Congress Statement: Forests and Society towards 2050

The XXVI IUFRO World Congress calls for resolute and equitable actions and best use of knowledge provided by the global science community for informed and far-sighted decisions.

The XXVI World Congress of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations IUFRO, held in Stockholm on 23-29 June 2024, brought together 4271 participants from 102 countries. It provided a global forum for the exchange of knowledge, perspectives, and visions between scientists across a broad spectrum of disciplines, and dialogue with youth, policy makers, forest managers, business representatives, and civil society organizations.

Climate change, biodiversity loss, environmental pollution and mounting social injustice are among the most severe crises the world is facing today. Tackling these interlinked crises requires resolute and equitable actions and everyone must take responsibility in their own sphere of influence.

The Congress urges to make best use of the knowledge of the global science community to:
• Strengthen forest resilience and climate adaptation;
• Maintain and enhance the social values of forests for sustainable societies;
• Expand the role of forests and forest products in a responsible circular bioeconomy; and
• Transform forest-related sciences for the future.

Action at all levels in line with these messages can contribute to maintaining a stable planet that continues to support life and human well-being.

The Stockholm Congress Statement is presented in the Closing Ceremony of the Congress on 29 June 2024. It is the output document of the Congress and the result of a thorough participatory drafting process.

The Statement is available at:

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The Nordic and Baltic countries have also provided significant input to the IUFRO Stockholm Congress Statement. Find the regional Statement at:
Nordic Input Finalized for Stockholm Congress Statement | IUFRO Stockholm 2024 (