SIFI:s 8th postletter – solutions are outside the sector

5 jul 2012

What lies in the future for two of the world’s leading forest nations? Are the forest sectors capable of using their long history and tradition as an advantage when meeting the demands of a changing world?

Or are the roots in past ways of thinking set too deep to find the innovation needed? The 8th issue of SIFI:s postletter summarizes the conference on 28th May about the transformation process in Canada and Sweden.

Investors and environmentalist gathered

The conference gathered people from the whole spectra, from investors and industry leaders to forest management experts and environmentalist.

“The way forward is to change the game, and if you don’t move someone else will!” was a clear statement from investor Don Roberts who sharpened the tone when reminding us that the only ones who like trees are forest people – the investors like money!

Discussions about forestry models got heated

Also the discussions about forestry models got heated. Minister Erlandsson went to sharp attack on the recent negative debate on Swedish forestry, meaning the debaters are unrealistic and one-sided: “It is easy to lead a crusade against clearcutting, but it is not so easy to explain how we are going to combat climate change without using the potential of the forest.”

Take home message

This led to the most important take home message of the day for securing the survival of the forest industry: “As the solutions lie outside the sector it is very important to have more partnerships outside your home!” (Prof. Sten Nilsson)

Content of the 8th postletter

– Key messages

– Canada’s public ownership

– The Canadian forest sector’s transformation agenda

– The perspective of an investor

– Swedish research and innovation

– The Swedish Forest Industries’ vision

– Canadian and Swedish forest management – parallels

– Lessons learned from the Canadian Boreal Forest agreement

– Forest Kingdom Sweden

– Sweden current forestry model fails to deliver

– The development of silvicultural systems in Canada

– The Swedish model – a long history of intense management

– Take home messages

– Calendar 2012 and summer activities

Please find earlier issues of the SIFI postletter here.

If you wish to read more about the collaboration project with the Canadian Embassy, please find it here.

Text: Emma Berglund