Potential roles of forests and trees in Africa

6 mar 2015

Dr. Björn Lundgren shares his valuable experiences in a series of articles.

Reflecting on traditional farming systems during World Food Day

20 okt 2014

With World Food Day in 2014 focusing on ‘Family Farming: feeding the world, caring for the earth’

Growing awareness of the roles of trees and forests in Africa

26 sep 2014

The increasingly recognised importance of forests and trees brings about new processes

Uses of trees and forests in Africa

5 sep 2014

Most of the forest functions are provided by Africa’s dry forests.

Unreliable statistics on Forests in Africa

22 aug 2014

Dr. Björn Lundgren shares his valuable experiences in a series of articles

Southern plantations: "Just a shooting star"

12 jun 2014

says Mr. Petri Lehtonen, Senior Partner in the consulting company Indufor
