UNFF – bortom vägs ände?

18 dec 2014

Lars Laestadius ser inte nyttan av UNFF. Han anser att Reidar Persson är mild i sitt omdöme och anför ...

Independent Assessment of the International Arrangement on Forests (IAF)

9 dec 2014

There are some positive signs of increasing global political commitment to forests in all regions of the...

Utvecklingen av UNFF

25 nov 2014

Prof. Reidar Persson reflekterar efter regeringskansliets möte om UNFF den 11 november.


19 nov 2014

Human influence is clear and recent anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases are the highest measured....

TREES FOR LIFE – Creating a more prosperous future through agroforestry

18 sep 2014

Trees for Life takes the reader on a journey through the world of agroforestry: from the home gardens in...

State of the World's Forests 2014 – Key findings

9 sep 2014

The FAO report – State of the World’s Forests – systematically presents available data on...

State of the World's Forests 2014

9 sep 2014

Enhancing the socioeconomic benefits from forests Across the world, forests, trees on farms, and...

Uses of trees and forests in Africa

5 sep 2014

Most of the forest functions are provided by Africa’s dry forests.

SEI ranked number two among world's environment think tanks

24 jun 2014

For the fourth year in a row Stockholm Environment Institute moves up the rankings in the Global Go To...
