19 nov 2014

Human influence is clear and recent anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases are the highest measured....

Growing awareness of the roles of trees and forests in Africa

26 sep 2014

The increasingly recognised importance of forests and trees brings about new processes

State of the World's Forests 2014 – Key findings

9 sep 2014

The FAO report – State of the World’s Forests – systematically presents available data on...

State of the World's Forests 2014

9 sep 2014

Enhancing the socioeconomic benefits from forests Across the world, forests, trees on farms, and...

Promising prospects for agroforestry in Vietnam

1 maj 2014

ACIAR and the World Agroforestry Centre are trialling different systems

The link between forests and water needs greater recognition

31 mar 2014

FAO and IUFRO discussed actions on the sustainable management of forests in relation to water

PROJECT MANAGER – for EU Framwork Contracts

6 mar 2014

NIRAS Natura AB is looking for a manager within natural resource management and rural development

Institutional issues hindered an overall consensus

9 dec 2013

The negotiations on a Legally Binding Agreement (LBA) on forests in Europe were closed early in the...

Bai Bang i Vietnam – vikten av att bygga upp en lokal marknad för bönderna

6 nov 2013

Syftet med rapporten var att beskriva a) vad i utvecklingen i Bai bang som lett till att få konflikter...
