Living Forests Report Chapter 2: "Forests & Energy"

30 dec 2011

WWF aspires to a future where humanity’s global footprint stays within the Earth’s ecological limits and...

Living Forests Report Chapter 1: "Forests for a Living Planet"

30 dec 2011

The Living Forests Report is the centrepiece of WWF’s Living Forests Campaign. The campaign does not...

IIED is looking for a Principal Researcher, Food and Agriculture

19 sep 2011

The post holder will be developing research, driving internal collaboration and building external partnerships

Half-time ahead of COP17

2 aug 2011

The world’s climate change negotiators have gathered again in Bonn for a new negotiating session

Bio-based Economy Ripe with Opportunity, but for Whom?

15 jun 2011

While there is a sense that governments and forestry industry are struggling to keep pace with...

Unsustainable use of Russian forests

6 maj 2011

Elena Kulikova, Forest Director at WWF in Russia, presents her view on the development.

Report on Stora Enso land acquisition practices in Southern China

12 jan 2011

Rapporten är framtagen av Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) och innehåller rekommendationer för hur...

Presentationer från seminarierna om skogen och klimatet

21 nov 2010

Seminarierna drog fult hus och gav en bra översikt över kolflöden, skogarnas roll och inte minst REDD.

Sverige bidrar med en halv miljard till REDD + partnership

16 nov 2010

Rapportering från ministermötet i Nagoya. Debatten återspeglade ett brett stöd men också en oro.
