Forest Carbon Leakage Quantification Methods and Their Suitability for Assessing Leakage in REDD

23 jan 2012

This paper assesses quantification methods for carbon leakage from forestry activities for their...

WWF’s Living Forests Report

30 dec 2011

We stand to lose 125 million hectares by 2030

Living Forests Report Chapter 3: "Forests & Climate"

30 dec 2011

Forests and climate are intrinsically linked: forest loss and degradation is both a cause and an effect...

Living Forests Report Chapter 2: "Forests & Energy"

30 dec 2011

WWF aspires to a future where humanity’s global footprint stays within the Earth’s ecological limits and...

Living Forests Report Chapter 1: "Forests for a Living Planet"

30 dec 2011

The Living Forests Report is the centrepiece of WWF’s Living Forests Campaign. The campaign does not...

SIFI:s 6th postletter – theme land acquisition

28 dec 2011

In addition Minister Erlandssons visit to Canada, lessons from Vietnam and the climate meeting in Durban

The Durban agreement

23 dec 2011

Hans Nilsagård summarizes the decisions addressing the forest resource

Climate Change and African Forest and Wildlife Resources

2 nov 2011

There is growing evidence that climate change and variability is impacting on forests and forest...

IIED is looking for a Principal Researcher, Food and Agriculture

19 sep 2011

The post holder will be developing research, driving internal collaboration and building external partnerships
