The new EU forest strategy

10 aug 2012

Taking into account the far-reaching societal and political changes in the past 15 years, the 1998 EU...

The creation of UNFF has lead to fragmentation

27 jul 2012

Former dep. dir. Ulf Svensson points out the high number of agreements.

The forest policy development in its historical context

20 jul 2012

Senior adviser Astrid Bergqvist gives us a historical perspective


18 apr 2012

New web site for INC-Forests in Europe

Lugnet före EU-stormen?

16 apr 2012

Skogsaktuellts Ledare om Forest Policy seminariet

The Forest policy processes in Europe

13 apr 2012

Summary and presentations the 30th March

Russia, Portugal and the Commission visit Sweden

22 mar 2012

A seminar about the European forest policy game

SIFI:s 6th postletter – theme land acquisition

28 dec 2011

In addition Minister Erlandssons visit to Canada, lessons from Vietnam and the climate meeting in Durban

Half-time ahead of COP17

2 aug 2011

The world’s climate change negotiators have gathered again in Bonn for a new negotiating session

Forest Europes sjätte ministerkonferens

20 jun 2011

Konferensen samlade ungefär 300 deltagare från nästan alla Forest Europe signatärstater
