Lessons from Vietnam

3 jan 2012

The hills around Bai Bang are now covered with forests

WWF’s Living Forests Report

30 dec 2011

We stand to lose 125 million hectares by 2030

SIFI:s 6th postletter – theme land acquisition

28 dec 2011

In addition Minister Erlandssons visit to Canada, lessons from Vietnam and the climate meeting in Durban

The Durban agreement

23 dec 2011

Hans Nilsagård summarizes the decisions addressing the forest resource

The 47th International Tropical Timber Council

12 dec 2011

7 Dec – ITTO announced the entry into force of the International Tropical Timber Agreement, 2006

Forest Day 5 in Durban

9 dec 2011

Lennart Ackzell reports from UNFCCC’s COP17

Nettoförlusten av skogsmark har överskattats

5 dec 2011

FAO:s nya fjärranalysstudie visar att så var fallet mellan 1990 och 2005

Erfarenheter från Vietnam

30 nov 2011

SIFI och Skogsinitiativet arrangerade ett rundabordssamtal på KSLA
